从 CodeQL runner 迁移到 CodeQL CLI
CodeQL runner 将被弃用。 您可以改用 CodeQL CLI 版本 2.6.2 及更高版本。 本文档介绍如何将常见工作流程从 CodeQL runner 迁移到 CodeQL CLI。
从 github/codeql-action
存储库下载 CodeQL 捆绑包。 此捆绑包中包含 CodeQL CLI 以及� �准 CodeQL 查询和库。
有关设置 CodeQL CLI 的详细信息,请参阅“在 CI 系统中安装 CodeQL CLI”。
使用 CodeQL runner 分析代� �库的典型工作流程具有以下步骤。
- 使用
codeql-runner-<platform> init
开始创建 CodeQL 数据库并读取配置。 - 对于编译的语言:设置
步骤生成的环境变量。 - 对于编译的语言:运行自动构建或手动构建步骤。
- 使用
codeql-runner-<platform> analyze
完成创建 CodeQL 数据库,运行查询以分析每个 CodeQL 数据库,将结果汇总到 SARIF 文件,并将结果上� 到 GitHub。
使用 CodeQL CLI 分析代� �库的典型工作流程具有以下步骤。
- 使用
codeql database create
创建 CodeQL 数据库。- 对于编译的语言:(可选)提供构建命令。
- 使用
codeql database analyze
运行查询以分析每个 CodeQL 数据库,并将结果汇总到 SARIF 文件中。 必须对每种语言或每个数据库运行一次此命令。 - 使用
codeql github upload-results
将生成的 SARIF 文件上� 到 GitHub,以显示为代� �扫描警报。 必须对每种语言或每个 SARIF 文件运行一次此命令。
默认情况下,CodeQL runner 是多线程的。 默认情况下,CodeQL CLI 仅使用单线程,但允许您指定希望它使用的线程数。 如果要复制 CodeQL runner 的行为,以在使用 CodeQL CLI 时使用计算机上的所有可用线程,可以将 --threads 0
� 递给 codeql database analyze
有关详细信息,请参阅“在 CI 系统中配置 CodeQL CLI”。
CodeQL CLI 的常见使用示例
这些示例假定源代� �已检出到当前工作目录。 如果使用其他目录,请相应地更改 --source-root
这些示例还假定 CodeQL CLI 位于当前 PATH 上。
在这些示例中,具有适当范围的 GitHub 令牌存储在 $TOKEN
环境变量中,并通过 stdin
� 递给示例命令,或者存储在 $GITHUB_TOKEN
在这些示例中检出和分析的引用名称和提交 SHA 在工作流程期间是已知的。 对于分支,请使用 refs/heads/BRANCH-NAME
作为引用。对于拉取请求的头提交,请使用 refs/pull/NUMBER/head
。 对于 GitHub 生成的拉取请求合并提交,请使用 refs/pull/NUMBER/merge
。 下面的示例均使用 refs/heads/main
。 如果使用其他分支名称,则必须修改示例代� �。
单一非编译语言 (JavaScript)
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux init --repository my-org/example-repo \
--languages javascript \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux analyze --repository my-org/example-repo
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
--commit deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 --ref refs/heads/main
codeql database create /codeql-dbs/example-repo --language=javascript \
# The default query suite is called `<language>-code-scanning.qls`.
codeql database analyze /codeql-dbs/example-repo \
javascript-code-scanning.qls --sarif-category=javascript \
--format=sarif-latest --output=/temp/example-repo-js.sarif
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql github upload-results --repository=my-org/example-repo \
--ref=refs/heads/main --commit=deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 \
--sarif=/temp/example-repo-js.sarif --github-auth-stdin
使用不同查询套件 (security-and-quality) 的单个非编译语言 (JavaScript)
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux init --repository my-org/example-repo \
--languages javascript \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux analyze --repository my-org/example-repo \
--queries security-and-quality \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin \
--commit deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 --ref refs/heads/main
codeql database create /codeql-dbs/example-repo --language=javascript \
# Use `<language>-<suite name>.qls`
codeql database analyze /codeql-dbs/example-repo \
javascript-security-and-quality.qls --sarif-category=javascript
--format=sarif-latest --output=/temp/example-repo-js.sarif
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql github upload-results --repository=my-org/example-repo \
--ref=refs/heads/main --commit=deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 \
--sarif=/temp/example-repo-js.sarif --github-auth-stdin
使用自定义配置文件的单个非编译语言 (JavaScript)
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux init --repository my-org/example-repo \
--languages javascript \
--config-file .github/codeql/codeql-config.yml \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux analyze --repository my-org/example-repo \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin \
--commit deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 --ref refs/heads/main
# Use `--codescanning-config` with the path to the YAML configuration file.
codeql database create /codeql-dbs/example-repo --language=javascript \
--codescanning-config=.github/codeql/codeql-config.yml \
codeql database analyze /codeql-dbs/example-repo \
--format=sarif-latest --output=/temp/example-repo-js.sarif
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql github upload-results --repository=my-org/example-repo \
--ref=refs/heads/main --commit=deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 \
--sarif=/temp/example-repo-js.sarif --github-auth-stdin
使用自动构建的单一编译语言 (Java)
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux init --repository my-org/example-repo \
--languages java \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
# Source the script generated by the init step to set up the environment to monitor the build.
. codeql-runner/codeql-env.sh
# Run the autobuilder for the given language.
codeql-runner-linux autobuild --language java
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux analyze --repository my-org/example-repo
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
--commit deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 --ref refs/heads/main
# Run `codeql database create` without `--command`.
# This will run the autobuilder for the given language.
codeql database create /codeql-dbs/example-repo --language=java \
codeql database analyze /codeql-dbs/example-repo \
javascript-code-scanning.qls --sarif-category=java
--format=sarif-latest --output=/temp/example-repo-java.sarif
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql github upload-results --repository=my-org/example-repo \
--ref=refs/heads/main --commit=deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 \
--sarif=/temp/example-repo-java.sarif --github-auth-stdin
使用自定义构建命令的单一编译语言 (Java)
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux init --repository my-org/example-repo \
--languages java \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
# Source the script generated by the init step to set up the environment to monitor the build.
. codeql-runner/codeql-env.sh
# Run a custom build command.
mvn compile -DskipTests
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux analyze --repository my-org/example-repo
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
--commit deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 --ref refs/heads/main
# Provide an explicit build command using `--command`.
codeql database create /codeql-dbs/example-repo --language=java \
--command="mvn compile -DskipTests" --source-root=.
codeql database analyze /codeql-dbs/example-repo \
java-code-scanning.qls --sarif-category=java
--format=sarif-latest --output=/temp/example-repo-java.sarif
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql github upload-results --repository=my-org/example-repo \
--ref=refs/heads/main --commit=deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 \
--sarif=/temp/example-repo-java.sarif --github-auth-stdin
使用间接构建跟踪的单一编译语言(Azure DevOps 中的 Windows 上的 C#)
当� 法使用自动生成器或显式生成命令行生成代� �时,已编译语言的间接生成跟踪可让 CodeQL 检测 init
与 analyze
步骤之间的所有生成步骤。 在使用 CI 系统中的预配置生成步骤(例如 Azure DevOps 中的 VSBuild
和 MSBuild
- task: CmdLine@1
displayName: CodeQL Initialization
script: "%CodeQLRunner%\\codeql-runner-win.exe init --repository my-org/example-repo --languages csharp --github-url https://github.com --github-auth $(Token)"
# Set the generated environment variables so they are available for subsequent commands, in the format required by Azure Pipelines.
- task: PowerShell@1
displayName: Set CodeQL Environment Variables
targetType: inline
script: >
$json = Get-Content $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/codeql-runner/codeql-env.json | ConvertFrom-Json
$json.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
$template = "##vso[task.setvariable variable="
$template += $_.Name
$template += "]"
$template += $_.Value
echo "$template"
# Execute a clean build using the VSBuild task.
- task: VSBuild@1
solution: '**/*.sln'
msbuildArgs: '/p:OutDir=$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) /p:UseSharedCompilation=false'
platform: Any CPU
configuration: Release
clean: True
displayName: Visual Studio Build
# Analyze the database created as part of the build, by running the selected queries against it, and upload results to GitHub.
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: CodeQL Analyze
script: '%CodeQLRunner%\codeql-runner-win.exe analyze --repository my-org/example-repo --commit $(Build.SourceVersion) --ref $(Build.SourceBranch) --github-url https://github.com --github-auth $(Token)'
# Run any pre-build tasks, for example, restore NuGet dependencies...
# Initialize the CodeQL database using `codeql database init --begin tracing`.
- task: CmdLine@1
displayName: Initialize CodeQL database
# Assumes the source code is checked out to the current working directory.
# Creates a database at `/codeql-dbs/example-repo`.
# Running on Windows, so specifies a trace process level.
script: "codeql database init --language csharp --trace-process-name Agent.Worker.exe --source-root . --begin-tracing /codeql-dbs/example-repo"
# For CodeQL to trace future build steps without knowing the explicit build commands,
# it requires certain environment variables to be set during the build.
# Read these generated environment variables and values, and set them so they are available for subsequent commands
# in the build pipeline. This is done in PowerShell in this example.
- task: PowerShell@1
displayName: Set CodeQL environment variables
targetType: inline
script: >
$json = Get-Content /codeql-dbs/example-repo/temp/tracingEnvironment/start-tracing.json | ConvertFrom-Json
$json.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
$template = "##vso[task.setvariable variable="
$template += $_.Name
$template += "]"
$template += $_.Value
echo "$template"
# Execute the pre-defined build step. Note the `msbuildArgs` variable.
- task: VSBuild@1
solution: '**/*.sln'
# Disable MSBuild shared compilation for C# builds.
msbuildArgs: /p:OutDir=$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) /p:UseSharedCompilation=false
platform: Any CPU
configuration: Release
# Execute a clean build, in order to remove any existing build artifacts prior to the build.
clean: True
displayName: Visual Studio Build
# Read and set the generated environment variables to end build tracing. This is done in PowerShell in this example.
- task: PowerShell@1
displayName: Clear CodeQL environment variables
targetType: inline
script: >
$json = Get-Content $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/db/temp/tracingEnvironment/end-tracing.json | ConvertFrom-Json
$json.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
$template = "##vso[task.setvariable variable="
$template += $_.Name
$template += "]"
$template += $_.Value
echo "$template"
# Use `codeql database finalize` to complete database creation after the build is done.
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: Finalize CodeQL database
script: 'codeql database finalize /codeql-dbs/example-repo'
# Analyze the database and upload the results.
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: Analyze CodeQL database
script: 'codeql database analyze /codeql-dbs/example-repo csharp-code-scanning.qls --sarif-category=csharp --format=sarif-latest --output=/temp/example-repo-csharp.sarif'
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: Upload CodeQL results
script: 'echo "$TOKEN" | codeql github upload-results --repository=my-org/example-repo \
--ref=refs/heads/main --commit=deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 \
--sarif=/temp/example-repo-csharp.sarif --github-auth-stdin'
此示例在 CodeQL runner 中并非严� �可行。 将仅分析一种语言(文件最多的编译语言)。
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux init --repository my-org/example-repo \
--languages cpp,python \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
# Source the script generated by the init step to set up the environment to monitor the build.
. codeql-runner/codeql-env.sh
# Run the autobuilder for the language with the most files.
codeql-runner-linux autobuild
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux analyze --repository my-org/example-repo
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
--commit deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 --ref refs/heads/main
# Create multiple databases using `--db-cluster`.
# Run autobuild by omitting `--command`.
codeql database create /codeql-dbs/example-repo-multi \
--db-cluster --language cpp,python \
--no-run-unnecessary-builds \
--source-root .
# Analyze each database in turn and upload the results.
for language in cpp python; do
codeql database analyze "/codeql-dbs/example-repo-multi/$language" \
"$language-code-scanning.qls" --sarif-category="$language"
--format=sarif-latest --output="/temp/example-repo-$language.sarif"
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql github upload-results --repository=my-org/example-repo \
--ref=refs/heads/main --commit=deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 \
--sarif="/temp/example-repo-$language.sarif" --github-auth-stdin
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux init --repository my-org/example-repo \
--languages cpp,python \
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
# Source the script generated by the init step to set up the environment to monitor the build.
. codeql-runner/codeql-env.sh
# Run a custom build command.
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql-runner-linux analyze --repository my-org/example-repo
--github-url https://github.com --github-auth-stdin
--commit deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 --ref refs/heads/main
# Create multiple databases using `--db-cluster`.
codeql database create /codeql-dbs/example-repo-multi \
--db-cluster --language cpp,python \
--command make --no-run-unnecessary-builds \
--source-root .
# Analyze each database in turn and upload the results.
for language in cpp python; do
codeql database analyze "/codeql-dbs/example-repo-multi/$language" \
"$language-code-scanning.qls" --sarif-category="$language"
--format=sarif-latest --output="/temp/example-repo-$language.sarif"
echo "$TOKEN" | codeql github upload-results --repository=my-org/example-repo \
--ref=refs/heads/main --commit=deb275d2d5fe9a522a0b7bd8b6b6a1c939552718 \
--sarif="/temp/example-repo-$language.sarif" --github-auth-stdin