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This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on 2023-03-15. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

About CodeQL code scanning in your CI system

You can analyze your code with CodeQL in a third-party continuous integration system and upload the results to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. The resulting code scanning alerts are shown alongside any alerts generated within GitHub Enterprise Server.

Code scanning is available for organization-owned repositories in GitHub Enterprise Server. This feature requires a license for GitHub Advanced Security. For more information, see "About GitHub Advanced Security."

Note: Your site administrator must enable code scanning for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance before you can use this feature. For more information, see "Configuring code scanning for your appliance."

About CodeQL code scanning in your CI system

Code scanning is a feature that you use to analyze the code in a GitHub repository to find security vulnerabilities and coding errors. Any problems identified by the analysis are shown in GitHub Enterprise Server. For information, see "About code scanning with CodeQL."

You can run CodeQL code scanning within GitHub Enterprise Server using GitHub Actions. Alternatively, if you use a third-party continuous integration or continuous delivery/deployment (CI/CD) system, you can run CodeQL analysis in your existing system and upload the results to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

You add the CodeQL CLI to your third-party system, then call the tool to analyze code and upload the SARIF results to GitHub Enterprise Server. The resulting code scanning alerts are shown alongside any alerts generated within GitHub Enterprise Server.

Note: Uploading SARIF data to display as code scanning results in GitHub Enterprise Server is supported for organization-owned repositories with GitHub Advanced Security enabled. For more information, see "Managing security and analysis settings for your repository."

About the CodeQL CLI

The CodeQL CLI is a standalone product that you can use to analyze code. Its main purpose is to generate a database representation of a codebase, a CodeQL database. Once the database is ready, you can query it interactively, or run a suite of queries to generate a set of results in SARIF format and upload the results to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

Use the CodeQL CLI to analyze:

  • Dynamic languages, for example, JavaScript and Python.
  • Compiled languages, for example, C/C++, C#, and Java.
  • Codebases written in a mixture of languages.

For more information, see "Installing CodeQL CLI in your CI system."


  • The CodeQL CLI is available to customers with an Advanced Security license.

  • The CodeQL CLI is currently not compatible with non-glibc Linux distributions such as (musl-based) Alpine Linux.